PFLAG is the nation's largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.

Our Work!

How YOU can get involved:

Make a donation.

PFLAG Philadelphia is a membership based, volunteer run organization that relies on your generous support to continue the important work we are doing in Philly and the greater work of PFLAG nationally.

Please consider donating via paypal at the link below. Your generous contributions support our continued work and commitment to support, education, and advocacy in Philadelphia and beyond!

PFLAG Philadelphia is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

PFLAG needs and and values your membership. Your donations have enabled us to continue to #LeadWithLove, both locally and nationally, for your LGBTQ loved ones.

$35 of your membership covers a membership to PFLAG National, which includes a host of opportunities including local and national advocacy efforts, the PFLAG Connects program, discounts, and the strength of the PFLAG National Chapter Network.


Our voices have helped move equality forward on important issues. It is essential that we continue to educate key decision-makers about the issues that affect our loved ones and families

Learn more about the legislation we’re fighting for--and pushing against--alongside our LGBTQ+ loved ones and their families.

Our resources will help you with advocacy, teach you about lobbying, and share all about PFLAG National's legislative priorities.